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How it Works
As is typically the case when approaching this subject, SightPhonics guided, beginner adult reading lesson plan starts by teaching the letter sounds and the letter names. The online version teaches by reading the instructions, sounds, and words when they are clicked along with the feature of breaking down a word by rolling the mouse over it. From there the program moves on to teach how to blend the sounds to make a word.
SightPhonics uses a method that has not been used in the current school system for many years. It teaches consonant-vowel blends, such as “ca” at the beginning of the word “cat”. The program then shows the end sounds that make a complete consonant-vowel-consonant word: “cat” (differing from the way many programs that teach these blends as c + at). ). This method of teaching, using the first two sounds as one sound blend, was typically used in programs during the 1940s before the schools changed to teaching sight words. With the method of using sound sets the learner can read smaller words like “cat” and “hat” or larger words like “hospital” and “medical” and sentences like “The catalog did not fit in the box” after completing only the first lesson book, making SightPhonics a program truly for adults.
SightPhonics was researched by computer to teach the most words in the least amount of time providing an opportunity for those who have little time and energy to learn to read and write.
The subsequent books teach ending sounds to blend with the previously learned sound sets, Dolch words (the most commonly used words in reading) and some sight words. Following that, consonant blends in the beginning of a word like “bl” and “cr” are taught. Then the silent “e” at the end of the word rule introduces the use of sound families (three letters together to make one sound). such as “ite” allowing the learner to read words like “parasite”. Specific diphthongs are taught after that. Diphthongs are two vowels that make one sound such as “ai” or “oa”. Letter sets where the vowels like “aw” and “au” make different sounds are taught in the next book.
The last book is the Brown Book – certainly the most valuable reading book in the collection.
When the learner has reached the Brown Book, a tremendous amount of success has already been obtained. The difficult and ridiculous fundamentals of reading English are all condensed into this book. Sight Phonics purposely left the confusing things at the end of the program. Things like the soundless “k” in front of the word “knife”, and “tion” and “sion” sound families making the same “shun” sound are all taught last after the learner has experienced much success at reading comprehension and has become as functionally literate as possible.
The SightPhonics Reading System is perfect for…
Teachers never have enough time or hands available in the classroom. SightPhonics can be used to teach the repetitive lessons while allowing teachers the use of their skills to problem-solve and enhance the information students have learned. It’s much like having an extra reading teacher at their fingertips.
Adult Literacy Educators:
SightPhonics is unique and valuable to individuals in these roles because the repetitive lessons can be studied in the home environment allowing educators more time to designate for other purposes. Ultimately, tutors or teachers only have to be available to utilize their skills to enhance what the students have already learned.
Adults Unable to Attend Class:
For these adults, SightPhonics provides the opportunity to learn to read English in the privacy of their own home and on their own time.
Students with Learning Disabilities:
Students can repeat lessons as much as they need to on their own time in the privacy of their own home. Those who are sound-sensitive can use headphones to keep out other distracting noises.
Stroke Victims:
SightPhonics has shown remarkable success with stroke victims who lost their ability to read. Stroke victims love SightPhonics because the reader can go directly to the Phonetic Phrase that was forgotten and refresh his memory.
SightPhonics is the only reading program that…
- Teaches using visual aides to show the breakdown of the words, and
- Teaches using tactile, visual and auditory modes together, and
- Teaches in letter sets and letter families for quicker visual recognition, and
- Was researched by computer to teach the most words in the least amount of time, and
- Teaches for immediate functionality and life skills, and
- Allows a student to learn at his or her own pace, and
- Allows a student to put in as much time he or she chooses, and
- Can be as freely repetitious as necessary, and
- Allows a student to teach him or herself to read, and
- Gives teachers more time in the classroom, and
- Allows the adult student to learn with dignity, and
- Is non-consumable and can be used repeatedly with numerous students, and
- Is designed around a special Audio DVD with corresponding Books offering anyone the ability to independently teach themselves.
- SightPhonics Wonderful World of Reading is also available ONLINE using the same great techniques offered in book version.
Looking inside the…
Purple Books
: As the first main books in a series of twelve, they teach what the vowels are and how they are different from consonants. Then they teach the blending of a first sound and a second sound (consonant and vowel) as a “sound set” and finally teaches the end sounds also as “sound sets”. Visual aides are used to separate the sound sets and make them stand out visually for better retention.
Red Books
: These books teach consonant blends as beginning sounds. As with the other books, they use color to separate the sounds.
White Books
: These books teach the “silent e” rule (if there is an “e” at the end of a word, the “e” is silent and the vowel before it is pronounced in its long version).
Orange Book
: “The first one does the talking when two vowels go a- walking!” This book will take a bit of time and studying. It teaches that if two vowels are together in the middle of word, the first vowel is pronounced and the second one is silent.
Yellow Book
: “The first one does the talking when two vowels go a- walking!” But not always! This book will take a bit of time and studying. It teaches two vowels together in the middle of word that do not follow the Orange Book rule. An example would be “aw” and “au”.
Brown Book
: This is the final book of the lessons. It is titled “Odd and Wacky Stuff”. This book teaches the elements of the language that lead people to comment that English is a hard language to learn. The condensed information offered here was extensively researched by computer in an attempt to teach the most important things first.