There will be a vowel at the top of each of the pages of this book. Click on the vowel to hear the “sound”. Then click on the “Sound Set” in the beginning of each line to hear it. We will add a letter onto the “Sound Set” to make a word. Use the sound of the “Sound Set” to figure out the word. Remember you can click on them to hear the word or run your mouse over any word to see it broken down.


be bed beg
de den
fe fed fell
ge get
he hen hem
je jet Jen
ke Ken
le let leg led Len
me men met
ne net
pe peg pet pen
re red
se sell set
te Ted ten
ve vet
we web wed wet

Please note: On the previous page the vowel “e” used its vowel “sound” not its vowel “name” and it was used as part of a word. The letters “me”, “he”, and “we” are “Sound Sets” when used with other letters but when used alone they are words as you have learned in the Blue Book.